sbb nak setel something..
bukan sbb PTPTN telampau atau seludup2 ye.. Awas!! jgn sceptical plss
since da xjadi gi sane
we decided to betenet nenet nenet @ Mid Valley..
walopon dah muak g sane but still.. i love to shop not to drop, movies, makan2 etc..
Wednesdaykan bole dpt movie tix cheaper??
so, we took a chance tgk Sherlock Holmes (dah nak basi baru nak nengok kan?)
besh weh besh. aku xtido pon
most of the time tgk movie mesti telelap..kali ni tade lansung
amek couple seat berbaloi walopon lebih RM4 dari seat bese
tade la bengang tgk citer.. if seat biasa row tengah or bawah2 ni
merasa la kepala shaking.. org atas tu sedap je gerudi kusi kite
ikutkan hati aku bawak je hammer
if org shake kaki je aku ketuk sampai patah!!~~
korang yang lom tengok g la tengok.. seronottt
after all, kitorg jalan2 sekali terjumpa booth shell and terus semak2 kat situ
mana tau dapat pape...
die suh jawab 10Q sambil round booth tu..
Q base on what the promoter explained
layankan aje janji at the end ade goodie, also stand a chance to win RM100k
berpinar mata aku if dpt rezeki tu InsyaALLAh..
macik kayooo!!~~
We had dinner/ lunch/ supper at Kenny2 (panggilan manja restoran pacik KENNY ROGERS)
coincidentally, its kenny2's Roasters Healthy Eating Day..
those who had wear red color blouse/tshirt or anything on red..
were entitled to get buy one free one Quarter Meal Chicken..
Lucky me, and rezeki !!~
i wore Red stripes baby T dapat pacik Zane kite makan 1 free quarter meal
tgk.. luck la wife awk arinih.. kihkihkihkih
total meal was RM28.50 for 1 Main course, and 2 drinks last but no least, srcharge yg hampeh
That's it for now la kot?
talarat menaip nih.. baru je sihat
i'll entertain u with pics..
they do the talking for today..
Treasure from Shell goodie bag!!~~
how i wish to have RM100k inside instead :D
All time favourita Kenny Rogers.
it's Roasters Healthy Eating Day
Vanilla for him and choco was mine
Hot Chocolicious Milk..
MrZane ckp star tu mcm badge star of david je.. yeke??
Drumstick kontot, baked beans, mashed potato and coleslaw
Drumstick besar (xadil aku dapat kecik je),
potato salad, macaroni and fruit salad for him
Lahap gile aku maklumla baru lepas sakit kan..
masa sakit mmg xselera nak makan..payau je rasaTime kasih kenny2..ku kasik balik tulang ayam
sbb ko dah pau aku surcharge..sile cuci
-abesh- Sherlock Holmes aku kureng sangat la..maybe sbb i expect that the character itself will be like the way it always describe in the book, seorg yg cool,tenang, tak gabra, hensem, tinggi,misal tebal n pendek kata tak messy..
ReplyDeleteBut in the film, seolah-olah pembantu dier lagi cool..holmes still cool but in his way la kan..dgn penyemak nye so mcm buat aku turn down sket...But Jude Law tetap hensem...
Btw, ada entry khas utk ko..hehehe ekceli not just u but those who related too...nanti buat la yer sbb anda dikira ditag..hehehe
hmm btol3..Dr Watson gak cool n sempoi compared to Holmes.. fiance die pon cute :D
ReplyDeleteok insyaALLAH nanti aku completekan :D