last night g tgk cite pixar, Up
walopon cite ni dah basi..
aku g jugak..sbb cartoon pixar ni interesting
cite sangat comei n funny..sedeyh pon ade..
nah.. bace la sinopsis ni ha..
for those who haven't watch this yet..
i advise u to go for it..
u wont regret n xrugi beli tix..
besh2..mcm nak tumbuk je Russell gemuk cm belon tu..
A 78-year-old man named Carl Fredricksen spent his entire life dreaming of exploring the globe
and experiencing life to its fullest. Due to his age, he thinks life has passed him by.
One day, an 8-year old wilderness explorer named Russell,
changes his outlook on life and the pair goes on adventures,
encountering wild terrains, unexpected villains and jungle creatures.